Emergency Management and Homeland Security (B.S.)
The program provides students with a broad range of administrative skills and knowledge needed to meet the critical needs of emergency managers and administrators. The mission of the Emergency Management and Homeland Security program is to create graduates with extensive theoretical and applied knowledge in emergency management and disaster research….
Political Science (B.A.)
The mission of the Department of Political Science is to develop general competencies in students that will allow them to continue their education in either graduate or professional schools upon completion of their undergraduate studies. Political Science courses are designed to stimulate students to be better citizens through an understanding of the working of the American and other….
Public Affairs (B.S.)
The mission of the Public Affairs program is to prepare students for professional public sector positions as well as prepare them for graduate education in Public Administration and other related academic disciplines. Public Affairs is a multi-disciplinary course of study which prepares students for leadership roles in local, state, national or international agencies of government….
Master of Public Administration
The Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program has as its purpose the preparation of professionals for immediate upward mobility in professional careers in public sectors or for graduate study where the nature of the profession requires the master’s degree as the entry criterion. Its greatest single asset lies in its potential to alleviate the shortage of professionally educated persons, especially….
Executive Master of Public Administraion
The eMPA Program’s mission is to identify and recruit individuals for executive educational training to meet the growing demand for mid-career professionals in the public sector but wish to pursue an MPA degree, but cannot physically attend classes in person. Through online delivery of advanced skill concepts, offered by a Master of Public Administration program, the eMPA program prepares ….

Political Science Faculty
The Department of Political Science has an extraordinary faculty with a wide range of research and teaching interests. They are committed, not only to advancing the understanding of political processes, and to helping the students prepare to engage those processes, but also to expanding the realm of democratic politics through research, teaching and service to the community.