TSU Professor of Pharmaceutics, COPHS,
Program Director, PhD Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dr. Xie is a Professor of Pharmaceutics in the COPHS, with 16 years of experience in industry and academia in novel nano-drug delivery, and successfully led the previous RCMI program Pharmacology Core that provided support to > 20 external and internal users and > 40 projects. Dr. Xie is co-Director of Center of Comprehensive PKPD & Formulation (CCPF) supported by CPRIT, and PI of several previous NIH and foundation funded research grants, many of which were awarded for the first time to TSU. She is an inventor on 3 patents related to novel drug formulation and PK study and has many collaborators across Texas. She brings in extensive grant management experience as well as rich research expertise in novel drug delivery, nanotechnology, and preclinical drug development.
Dr. Xie is responsible for overall operation of the program. Specifically, she oversees financial and administrative management of each core of the activities such as personnel hiring, budget adjustment, procurement and regulatory compliance. She is also responsible for correspondences and meetings with the Advisory Committee (AC) to guide CBMHR and responsible for the annual and bi-annual progress report of the CMBHR center program. She is further responsible for scientific merit of CBMHR through the proposed multiple activities including career development, seminars, symposiums, and mentoring.