Dr. Michael O. Adams
- Founding Director eMPA
- Professor Political Science
BJML School of Public Affairs
Texas Southern University
3100 Cleburne, PAB 420A
Houston, Texas 77004
Office: 713.313.7760
Cell: 713.418.0987

The Political Science Department of the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University is a part of the overarching mission of educating all of Texas on the importance and power of the underlying system of self governance by “We the People” of Texas and as citizens of the United States of America. Our commitment to teaching in education is grounded in history focused on the present and preparing for an ever-changing and dynamic future. The eMPA program is not only educating students to be more civic minded and involved and improving their community but is also focused on educating the next generation of public administrators who must lead in this new environment of technological, economic, and global change.
Michael O. Adams is the Director of MPA program at the Barbara Jordan- Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston, Texas. Alongside his duties as Director, he is a Professor of Public Affairs at TSU.
Dr. Adams assumed the position of both Director and Professor in 2005 after matriculating through the ranks of professorship as a dedicated member of the Texas Southern University team since 1983. He also currently serves as a Faculty Consultant for The College Board-Education Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey. His expertise has lead him to also serve as a Member of the Houston Community College Public Administration Advisory Board and as a Reviewer of The American Review of Politics.
As an avid scholar in the Public Affairs arena, he has co-authored several books including Readings in American Political Issues and Public Administration both published by Kendall-Hunt Press. Dr. Adams also has been published in the Journal of Service Science; the Encyclopedia of African America History; International Journal of Education Research and the European Journal of Social Sciences.
His tenure at Texas Southern has been filled with many responsibilities. He has served as Faculty Senator; is the Chair of the University Institutional Effectiveness Committee, a part of the TSU Tomorrow Committee; the University International Studies Committee (Asian Studies) and the Academic Grievance Committee here in the Barbara Jordan- Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs. In 2008 , he was honored with the Texas Southern University Research Scholar Award, School of Public Affairs Research Scholar Award and the Quiester Craig Teaching Award.