Zoom Recordings
PowerPoint Presentations
Region VI Higher Education Collaborative Mission
The mission of the Region 6 Higher Education Collaborative is to establish a regional community of educators, researchers, and emergency managers, engaged in an ongoing dialogue to share information and foster collaboration among the emergency management field and colleges, universities, and Centers of Excellence in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Tribal Nations within those borders.
Region VI Higher Education Collaborative Purpose
About the Summit
The 5th Annual Region VI Higher Education Collaborative Summit will be held on February 21-22, 2024. The Summit is hosted by Region VI Higher Education Collaborative (HEC) and held at Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas.
The HEC Summit brings together practitioners and academics in our region to address specific issues facing our region and the nation as a whole. The Summit aims to (a) promote professional relations among academics and practitioners in our region (b) promote education, training, and research associated with institutions of higher education; and (c) incorporate practical experience and experiential learning into academic curricula. The Summit provides opportunities for academics, practitioners, and our students to share ideas through paper presentations, panel discussions, and open discussions.
The Summit will feature a wide range of presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Participants will include emergency management professionals, academics, students, government officials, and community leaders, all coming together to exchange knowledge and ideas that can lead to more resilient and better-prepared communities in the face of disasters and emergencies.
Summit Agenda
Day 1 | Wednesday, February 21st
8:00-8:30 – Registration
8:30-9:00 – Introductions and Housekeeping
9:00-9:30 – TSU Administration Welcome (Provost)
9:30-10:00 – Panel - Huey Wilson, Keith Downey, James Caldwell, Bridgette Murray, and Denae King, Ph.D. Community-Led Disaster Solutions in Northeast Houston
10:00-10:15 - Break
10:15-11:15 – Robert Crane and Michael Arnett Responsible Use of PNT/GPS in the Emergency Services Sector
11:15-11:55 – Amy Hyman, D.Sc. & Joseph Richmond, LP.D. Students Behaviors During the March 31, 2023 Arkansas Severe Weather Events - Virtual
11:55 -1:00 – Lunch
1:00-2:00 – Drew Seward – National Training and Education Division (NTED), Benefits and Resources for Campus Preparedness
2:00-2:15 - Break
2:15 -2:45 – Amanda Smith & Heather Mazeitis-Fontenot Utilizing Higher Ed as a Force Multiplier for Emergency Management
2:45-3:15 – Jaime Lawson Houston Climate Movement
3:15- 3:30 - Break
3:30-4:15 - Danny W. Davis, Ph.D. Cybersecurity Curriculum
4:15-4:30 - Wrap Up
Day 2 | Thursday, February 22nd
8:00-8:15 – Welcome
8:15-8:45 – Henry M. Cathey, Jr. New Mexico State University Physical Science Laboratory’s Engagement in Research and Training for First Responders Including the ASSUREd Safe Program
8:45-9:00 - Break
9:00-9:45 – Tracey Bender Stalking on College Campuses
9:45-10:30 – David Leiva & Andrew Harnish, PhD, University of Alaska Anchorage. – Developing a Statewide Disaster Grant Writing Consortium
10:30-11:15 – Terry D. Cooper, MS, MPH, CEM University of New Haven Interprofessional Education: A Curricular Framework for Next Generation Emergency Management Professionals - Virtual
11:15-12:30 – Lunch
12:30-1:15 – Rubby Douglas – Understanding Crisis Fatigue/Stress & Employing Protective Factors to Diminish Negative Impacts to Emergency Management Staff
1:15-1:30 Break
1:30-2:30 – Panel - How to Get a Job
2:30-3:00 - Wrap Up
Hotels & Directions
Hilton-University of Houston - Website
4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77004 (1½ miles to TSU)
America's Best Value Inn
281-974-4432 2419
Riverside Dr., Houston, TX 77004 (Less than 2 miles)
Quality Inn & Suites
2364 South Loop West, Houston, TX 77054 (7 miles to TSU)
Holiday Inn – NRG Park
8111 Kirby Dr., Houston, TX 77054 (7 miles to TSU)
Springhill Suites – NRG Park
1400 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, TX 77054 (5 miles to TSU)
Directions to Campus
Houston has two airports: George Bush Intercontinental Airport (25 miles to TSU) and Hobby Airport (10 miles to TSU). Super Shuttle serves both airports for domestic transportation. Southwest Airlines operates out of Hobby Airport.
For the TSU Directions webpage, click here
For Additional Information or Assistance Please Contact: Oluponmile.Olonilua@tsu.edu
Zoom Links
Event Venue
Student Center - Room 207A - Website
Lot C on Cleburne St. and East Garage next to Jack Yates High School.
(713) 313-4434
Business Hours 11:30 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
The visitor's parking lot is located in Lot C (front side behind RJ Terry Library) visitors must enter the parking lot from Cleburne Street. Parking is $5.00.