Mission Statement

The Honors College is an undergraduate-serving academic unit that invites the most intellectually gifted students in the campus to form a living and learning community that holds interdisciplinarity as its cornerstone. It is a niche for inquiry-driven academic pursuits, stimulating intellectual discourses, original thinking, and creativity. 

The missions of the Thomas F. Freeman Honors College are to: 

  1. Provide academic enhancement experiences for the scholars to achieve, and 
  2. Promote critical thinking skills, intellectual engagement, active pursuit of scholarships and the scientific approach to research. We prepare Freeman Scholars to be globally competitive and excel in graduate or professional schools. 

The Honors College is dedicated to the following core values: Scholarship, Character, Service, and Leadership. 

The main goal of the College is to nurture students to become effective, transformational, and democratic leaders. We prepare our students to have the courage to think freely and innovate, and to have the desire to serve the underserved. The Honors College seeks to help Freeman Scholars by serving as a springboard to their next career endeavors and leadership roles.