Alumni Spotlight: Ryon Dior Lee, Miss Juneteenth 2023, Shines as a TSU Trailblazer

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ryon-lee-whiteIn celebration of Juneteenth, we honor Ryon Dior Lee, a remarkable alumna of Texas Southern University and former Miss Juneteenth, whose journey is as inspiring as it is transformative. Ryon's path to TSU was rooted in a deep family legacy, tracing back to her grandfather's aspirations and her aunt's trailblazing achievement as the first college graduate in her family. Their influence, coupled with her mother's guidance to stay connected to her cultural roots, led Ryon to choose TSU.  

Early Roots and TSU Legacy 

Ryon's decision to attend TSU was deeply rooted in her family history. Her grandfather's aspiration to attend TSU, then known as Texas Junior College for Negroes, was interrupted by military service. Inspired by her family's legacy at TSU and her aunt's successful graduation, Ryon chose to follow in their footsteps despite initial plans to attend Rice University. Her mother's encouragement to stay connected to her cultural roots and community resonated deeply, ultimately guiding her to TSU. 

Arriving at TSU at the age of 15, Ryon embarked on a unique undergraduate experience filled with challenges and triumphs. Living on campus initially, she quickly became a standout figure, impressing peers with her maturity and dedication. Transitioning to off-campus housing later on, Ryon found her stride academically and socially, cherishing the friendships she forged and the diverse academic experiences TSU offered. 

Undergraduate Journey at TSU 

Reflecting on her undergraduate years, Ryon fondly remembers the sense of pride and professionalism embodied by TSU students during weekly professional attire days. This atmosphere solidified her belief that she was in the right place, surrounded by ambitious peers destined for success. Beyond academics, Ryon was struck by the strong sense of community and school spirit at TSU, which was a new and enriching experience for her. 

After completing her undergraduate studies at just 19, Ryon paused her plans for law school, opting instead to pursue a Master's degree to further hone her skills and confidence. Throughout her academic journey, she faced challenges, particularly with ageism and feeling like an outsider due to her early graduation. Despite these obstacles, Ryon persevered, dedicating herself to academic excellence and community service. Ryon ultimately graduated with her masters at 22 years old. 

Ryon's commitment to service and leadership extended beyond the classroom. She actively engaged with various organizations, including the Graduate Student Association, where she served as President, and the Barbara Jordan Leadership Institute. Her passion for public service was evident through her internships with local judges and legislative offices, paving the way for a potential future in public interest law or even the judiciary. 

As she reflects on her time at TSU, Ryon is most proud of her impact on future generations. Whether mentoring through her college prep initiative, serving as Miss Juneteenth, or advocating for black excellence, Ryon has consistently embraced her role as a leader and role model. Her achievements, including studying abroad, membership in prestigious sororities and fraternities, and recognition by the City of Houston, underscore her dedication to academic and personal growth. 

Advice for Future Students and Future Aspirations 

Looking ahead, Ryon's advice to aspiring students is rooted in resilience and determination. She encourages them to persevere through challenges, knowing that every setback is an opportunity for growth. Her journey exemplifies the spirit of Juneteenth, celebrating freedom, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. 

In conclusion, Ryon's story at TSU is one of courage, leadership, and unwavering dedication to her community. As she prepares to take her next steps, we celebrate her accomplishments and eagerly anticipate the positive impact she will continue to make in the world. 

Ryon’s Accomplishments Include: 

  • Miss Juneteenth 2023 
  • Graduate Student Association President - Texas Southern University 
  • Barbara Jordan Leadership Institute Fellow 
  • Texas Legislative Internship Program - Intern under The Honorable Judge Genesis Draper Harris County Criminal Court #12 
  • Studied Abroad in Spain & Portugal - Texas Southern in partnership with Mister Universidad (located in Salamanca, Spain) 
  • Member of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. 
  • Member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity 
  • Mentor, Houston PEARLS Foundation 
  • Founder of Ryon & Students College Prep 
  • Public Service & Recognition Award - City of Houston 
  • Member, American Society of Public Administration - Greater Houston Chapter 

Category: News Media, Students, Faculty & Staff, Alumni

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Last updated: 06/18/2024